Your Subconscious Mind Will Reveal Who You Really Are With This Inkblot Test

Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:


Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:

Retry Mostly movement responses Your answers were mostly things in motion, like objects flying, floating, walking, running, dancing, and so on. This means that you’re likely a very creative and imaginative person! It implies that you have a mature level of thinking and often find dynamic ways to solve problems. Mostly food responses Your answers were mostly related to food — whether it was prepared dishes or edible objects/creatures in general. This means that you’re likely someone who thinks about the practical side of things and the use that objects have for you or that you’re more likely to exhibit addictive behavior. Or maybe you’re just hungry! Mostly outline responses Your answers were mostly related to the outline of the inkblots’ general shape. This implies that you’re a rational thinker and are often interested in the big picture rather than getting caught on the little stuff. You probably would make a great leader! Mostly detail responses Your answers were mostly related to the smaller or more subtle details of the images. This means that you’re likely alert and have the ability to notice little things that others might overlook. It can also suggest impulsiveness, so be sure to slow down and take in the world around you sometimes!
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