Take Our Quiz And See If You’ve Got The Handbook To Beetlejuice Knowledge

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Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:

Retry You were probably a bit too young Whether you weren’t around to see the original Beetlejuice or were a very little kid when you watched it, it’s only natural not to remember much about the movie. After all, it’s hard to make out many details with your hands over your eyes. It’s been a long time It’s one thing to have vague recollections of Michael Keaton’s antics or remember the dinner scene and the undead waiting room, but that’s not about as sharp as memories of Beetlejuice can get. Maybe it’s time for a rewatch. It still holds up quite well. You’re definitely a fan You don’t just know the original Beetlejuice, it’s a part of your life. That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a big part, as you might quote it from time to time or dress in the man’s iconic solo for a Halloween party, but you can call yourself a fan of the franchise for sure. Maybe you even watched the cartoon when it was on. You’ve been waiting for this for 36 years Odds are very good that you’ve already seen the new movie and decided whether you liked it or not. That means you’re coming here for a victory lap and are making sure that you were right about the things Burton hasn’t stayed consistent on since the original. Rest assured that you weren’t the only one who noticed them.
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