Accurate Personality Quiz Reveals How Good Your Taste In Men Really Is

Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:


Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:

Retry Your taste in men is terrible! Ouch. You have some self-sabotaging tendencies when it comes to your love life but you probably already knew that. You prefer men who are willing to make you the center of their universe and shower you with attention. You’re attracted to guys who have a tendency to be controlling and jealous. That’s probably why some of your relationships have gone south in the past. There’s no harm in raising your standards a bit, you might be surprised what you find. You should raise your standards You probably already know this, but your taste in men could use some work. Your track record is not exactly impressive and you tend to attract total losers. You deserve better than the way you’ve been treated in the past and it’s never too late to seek out what you deserve. Try putting yourself first for a while, you will build up some confidence you didn’t know you needed. You have pretty good taste in men! You’re attracted to the sensitive and emotional guy who is reliable and loyal. You’ve been burned once or twice in the past but learned from your mistakes in order to come back stronger in new relationships. You know what you’re after and you’re willing to roll the dice in search of it. You could raise your standards a bit to rule out the undercover losers, but overall you have pretty good taste in men. You have great taste in men! You have high standards and know that you’re worth maintaining them. You know exactly what you need out of a relationship and how to find that in a partner. You don’t waste time with men who can’t keep up with you and you’re always impressed by the ones who can. You seek out qualities in a partner that help keep a relationship thriving— just remember that even healthy relationships take work!
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