Tell Us The Superior Version Of Each Food, And We’ll Guess Your Age!

What is the superior way to eat a potato?

Baked potatoes and fries
Retry Correct Incorrect Potato preparation echoes age groups. Baby Boomers favor mashed comfort from childhood. Gen X leans toward baked, easy but fulfilling. Millennials love fries, quick and varied. Gen Y opts for chips, crisp and on-the-go. Potatoes, shaped by era appetites, mirror generational tastes, linking nostalgia, convenience, and novelty. It could also be argued that there is not an age group that does not enjoy potato chips or french fries.
Pinterest; Carl’s Jr/Facebook
Pinterest; Carl’s Jr/Facebook

What is the superior way to eat a potato?

  • Mashed or Scalloped
  • Fry ’em up and drown them in ketchup
  • Chips
  • Baked

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