Answer These Questions And Discover Which US Region You Truly Belong To

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Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:

Retry West Coast You’ve got a breezy, live and let live way of going through life. You try not to let things bother you too much and often come across as fun yet calming at the same time to your friends. That’s not to say there aren’t a lot of reasons to be stressed out where you are, but you feel so surrounded by beauty that it’s hard to stay that way for long. You’re open-minded, creative, and have a keen eye to the future. Southwest While some find the desert hot and punishing, you can’t get over its quiet, haunting beauty. However, with that natural beauty can come some action and there’s more excitement to be had in this region than people realize. It’s not all in Las Vegas either. Your taste for bold flavors and your fearlessness when it comes to spice doesn’t just apply to your culinary tastes: It’s a good metaphor for how you live life at large. South You’ve got traditional, down-home sensibilities. Not only can you take the heat, but you’re built with the kind of foundational integrity and rugged strength that characterizes the American South. However, that doesn’t mean you’re brusque or rude to the people you meet. Even your criticisms are worded gently and your warm spirit is as sweet as the sugar you put in your iced tea. Midwest You have a warm, unpretentious personality that often makes people feel like they can tell you anything. You were raised with wholesome family values, which carries in everything from the festivals you remember as a kid to the art that’s sprung up around you. Some of your personality traits can be quirky but they only add to your endearing charm. Mid-Atlantic While those who misunderstand you may call you many things, you’re not likely to hear them call you a phony. Some people mistake your frankness for rudeness but those who truly know you understand how full of love and community spirit you are. You just tell it like it is and see no value in letting people lie to themselves. You also have no issue standing up for yourself, but you don’t go looking for trouble. New England You prize intelligence and thoughtful, creative expression. That’s not to say you can’t be brash and confident but it means that your sharp tongue carries some truly disarming wit. Your beliefs are strong, but educated with a worldly perspective. Even if people underestimate this part of you, you’re also a hearty person who can handle some seriously bitter winters.
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