Answer These Questions And Discover Which US Region You Truly Belong To

How would you describe the way you usually speak?

Retry Correct Incorrect Although people in other countries will sometimes try an “American accent,” the truth is that The United States is like most countries in that there isn’t one specific accent that covers the whole nation. While the difference between a Louisiana accent and a Boston accent is pretty obvious, there are little differences between every region of the country.
YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images
YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images

How would you describe the way you usually speak?

  • Fast and a little coarse sounding
  • There’s a twang on certain vowels
  • I believe it’s described as a “drawl”
  • It’s subtle until I say a word with “A” in it
  • It sounds wholesome with extra Rs
  • Slow and relaxed with vocal fry

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