Over 98% Of Americans Can’t Pass This 3rd Grade Geography Test

Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:


Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:

Retry You failed the test! It’s never easy to be told that you flunked, but don’t worry — there’s no final exam, so the stakes are low. Regroup and try again. You have some geographical know-how! You might not be a walking, talking atlas, but you know enough about both U.S. and world geography to impress at least a few people with fun facts. You passed, but just barely! You might have just squeaked by with the equivalent of a C grade, but as they say, C’s get degrees. A pass is a pass, however you want to slice it. You’re at the top of the class! We tried really hard to stump you with this quiz but were no match for your geographical knowledge. You’re basically equipped to teach a high school geography class.
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