Can You Pass This Simple Psychology QUIZ?

Which famous psychologist conceived the Oedipus complex?

Antigone (Julie Dorus-Gras), Oedipus (Nicolas Levasseur) and Polynices (Eugene Massol), scene from Oedipus Rex, Act III
Retry Correct Incorrect Sigmund Freud coined the Oedipus complex in 1924. The concept argues that a child may undergo a psychosexual stage of attraction toward their parent of the opposite sex. The name comes from the play, Oedipus Rex.
L’Illustration/Journal Universel/Getty Images
L’Illustration/Journal Universel/Getty Images

Which famous psychologist conceived the Oedipus complex?

  • William James
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Erik Erikson
  • Abraham Maslow

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